Long Time

It’s been too long since I updated this.  There is so much going on it is tough to keep all the balls in the air, but we have moved forward on a lot of fronts since I last wrote.  This week the City completed land geotech, and next week we are scheduled for barge-based geotech upstream of the dam.  The results of the geotech will guide the dam repair which is scheduled to begin in November.  Long time coming and we are grateful for the forward progress.  Regarding the North Plant, there are no deal-killers as of yet.  Getting a stable dam is a critical piece of that.  We feel very good about how things have gone with the City and are optimistic about the potential to triple energy production on the Bowersock Dam.  According to the Secretary of the DOE, there is 70 gigawatts of potential hydro that can be developed at existing dams that are already in use for hydro, flood control, or water supply.   This means a lot of additional energy with limited environmental impact.  70 GW is 70 nuclear plants or 100 coal-fired power plants.  BMPC is just a small part of the picture but as David Orr says, there is no silver bullet, only silver buckshot.